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Upcoming / current exhibitions


Past exhibitions

Solo exhibitions

2024 - Spazio Comel, Latina - Atlante curated by Dafne Crocella

2023 - RAW Rome Art Week 8th edition - Tra materia e alchimia. Appunti di viaggio di Luca Giannini - open studio curated by Dafne Crocella

2020 - RAW Rome Art Week 5th edition - Carlo D'Orta Art Studio/Gallery - Miraggi curated by Sabrina Marenzi
2019 - RAW Rome Art Week 4th edition

2019 - Studio Tiepolo 38 art gallery, Rome - Il peso delle stelle curated by Viviana Quattrini

2018 - Summerour Architects, Atlanta (USA) - Odysseia curated by Keith Summerour and Stephanie Brown

2017 - RAW Rome Art Week 2nd edition

2016 - RAW Rome Art Week 1st edition

2014 - Il Laboratorio art gallery, Rome - Riflettori sulla Terra

2012 - Elsa Morante cultural center, Rome - Cibernetica e Alchimia curated by Pier Luigi Manieri, Zètema

2009 - Spanish fortress, Porto Santo Stefano - Progetto per un'Arca curated by Gianni De Mattia

2009 - Massenzio art gallery, Rome - Seconda Terra curated by Alessandro D'Ercole

2008 - Palazzo Chigi, Formello - Auditorium Parco della Musica, Rome - Museum of Chemistry University Sapienza, Rome - Catarsi curated by Luigi Campanella

2007 - RufArtGallery, Rome - Mater curated by Andrea Romoli Barberini

Group exhibitions

2021 - Archeoclub Aprilia - Anticipazioni dal Purgatorio - curated by Giovanni Papi and Viviana Quattrini

2020 - GAM Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Rome - art contest  #DomaniInArte - exhibition of the selected artists

2017 - Bobez art gallery, Palermo

2015 - ISA, Rome - Massenzio Arte 20th Anniversary

2015 - Residenza Hortus, Modica - Sacramateria along with fashion designer Loredana Roccasalva e and jewel designer Giuliana Michelotti

2014 - DamArte art gallery, Milan - DAMPrize 2014 - exhibition of the selected artists

2012 - MACRO Testaccio museum, Rome -  Adrenalina International Prize 1st edition - exhibition of the selected artists

2011 - ArtRom Gallery, Rome - Tutte le strade curated by Elizabeth Genovesi and Dafne Crocella

2010 - Castel Monastero resort - art exhibition curated by Artevents

2007 - ISA, Rome - 11th  Massenzio International Prize

2007 - FAO World Food Day 2007, Rome

2007 - FYR art gallery, Florence - Oltre3 curated by Rosanna Ossola

2006 - IPSAR, Rome - Art for Africa promoted by AMREF and RUFA Art Academy

2005 - Teatro Massimo, Palermo - photo contest Io Vedo - Environmental Protection Agency of Sicily


Gansu Silk Road International EXPO, 2020 - selected artist at the Contemporary Sculpture Contest Art Mogao Caves

GAM Roma, 2020 - selected artist at the art contest #DomaniInArte

DAMPrize – Magenta, 2014 - finalist artist

11th Massenzio International Prize – Roma, 2007 -  winner

IO VEDO Photo contest - Environmental Protection Agency of Sicily - Palermo, 2005 - 2nd prize

Projects and collaborations

2018 - Casa Sabir, Syracuse Ortigia - Renovation project and interior design

2015 - Works for the movie set of Fai bei sogni by Marco Bellocchio

2014 - Residenza Hortus, Modica - Renovation project and interior design

2013 - COBAT, Rome - art commission for the President Hall

2011 - Borgo Egnazia resort - art session for RBS Royal Bank of Scotland

2010 - Artefact Hotel Art Consultants, London - acquisition for Castel Monastero resort art collection

2008 - Casa Kimiyà, Modica - Renovation project and interior design

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